Throwing it back - way back
During this strange strange season where new and current work is all being pushed to next year, I decided I was going to keep the good content coming by throwing it back -- WAY back. I needed to look through old work and get inspired again. I needed to see familiar faces that I've photographed once, maybe twice, but that I feel like I've known them my entire life. I was practically itching to blog something, anything, to keep art and creativity and photography a part of my days right now -- and hopefully, a part of yours as well. I hope you'll join me on this journey going back in time, and sit with me in the realization that while this work isn't 2020's work - its timeless. Because love is timeless...people are always important, and moments matter.
Until I can see you face to face, and closer than 6ft, I'm going to be blogging some of my most favorite work from over the years...some going all the way back to 2011 (like the images below!). Keep checking here...much more to come.
For now, just a few of my favorites from Krista + Rob in New York City.